full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Andrew McAfee: What will future jobs look like?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

I do know that education is a huge part of it. I witnessed this firsthand. I was a Montessori kid for the first few years of my education, and what that eoiautcdn taught me is that the world is an interesting place and my job is to go explore it. The school stopped in third grade, so then I eentred the public school system, and it felt like I had been sent to the Gulag. With the beefnit of hindsight, I now know the job was to prepare me for life as a clrek or a leaborr, but at the time it felt like the job was to kind of bore me into some submission with what was going on around me. We have to do better than this. We cannot keep turning out Bills.

Open Cloze

I do know that education is a huge part of it. I witnessed this firsthand. I was a Montessori kid for the first few years of my education, and what that _________ taught me is that the world is an interesting place and my job is to go explore it. The school stopped in third grade, so then I _______ the public school system, and it felt like I had been sent to the Gulag. With the _______ of hindsight, I now know the job was to prepare me for life as a _____ or a _______, but at the time it felt like the job was to kind of bore me into some submission with what was going on around me. We have to do better than this. We cannot keep turning out Bills.


  1. education
  2. entered
  3. laborer
  4. benefit
  5. clerk

Original Text

I do know that education is a huge part of it. I witnessed this firsthand. I was a Montessori kid for the first few years of my education, and what that education taught me is that the world is an interesting place and my job is to go explore it. The school stopped in third grade, so then I entered the public school system, and it felt like I had been sent to the Gulag. With the benefit of hindsight, I now know the job was to prepare me for life as a clerk or a laborer, but at the time it felt like the job was to kind of bore me into some submission with what was going on around me. We have to do better than this. We cannot keep turning out Bills.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
great news 3
machine age 3
middle class 3
societal challenges 3
economic news 2
economic playbook 2
guaranteed minimum 2
minimum income 2
green shoots 2
tough challenges 2
great point 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
guaranteed minimum income 2

Important Words

  1. benefit
  2. bills
  3. bore
  4. clerk
  5. education
  6. entered
  7. explore
  8. felt
  9. firsthand
  10. grade
  11. gulag
  12. hindsight
  13. huge
  14. interesting
  15. job
  16. kid
  17. kind
  18. laborer
  19. life
  20. montessori
  21. part
  22. place
  23. prepare
  24. public
  25. school
  26. stopped
  27. submission
  28. system
  29. taught
  30. time
  31. turning
  32. witnessed
  33. world
  34. years